What is a Sexless Marriage?

Just what is a sexless marriage can often defy tradition definitions as many people will use the term to define many sorts of sexual relationships (or lack thereof). No one can give you an exact answer on what a sexless marriage is exactly - but we can define the broad boundaries.

The most extreme case of a sexless marriage are of course when there is no sex at all in the relationship. While there might be intimacy or love, this sort of sexless marriage is devoid of any physical sexual intimacy which is of course a frustrating thing for most couples - or at least one of the pair. This is quite unusually and might be caused by very bad physical or psychological issues.

A more common case is where sex between a couple has diminished to such a very low point as to hardly be there at all. Even when the couple does make love it is probably not very satisfactory either. Some have put the number of time a year to be about 8-12 as this sort of sexless marriage. Typically less than once a month would be so low to hardly be worth the effort for most men and women.

The last way that people tend to define what a sexless marriage means is where one partner feels they are getting vastly less sex than they need. This is a much more elastic number as someone might think that once a week is way too little and other might be fine with that. This might be more a case of mismatched libidos that a true sexless marriage but when it becomes a serious issue for the couple they will need to treat it as a serious relationship and sexual issue just like any other sexless marriage.

As you can see, the term 'sexless marriage' carries a lot of meaning for different people but it all comes down to the same thing, that a married and committed couple have such an issue with the quality and amount of sex they are having that is is hurting their relationship. This lack of intimacy is a major cause of divorce and self esteem issues - and can be a sign of a serious underlying issue as well.